English Martes 2 de Xuño de 2020

Good morning!

Today we are going to work with a very special short film called "Extinguised", hope you like it ;)

Watch the next video:

Try to answer the next questions. Be carefully with the tense of the verbs.

1) Why he was sad at the beggining of the video?
2) Why does the blue hair girl come to the flat?
2) What is the hole they have in the middle of their chest?
3) What happened with the popcorns?
4) What happened at the end of the story?

Explain the secuence of the story using the next sentences:
  • At the beggining of the story...
  • After that...
  • At the end of the story...
** Las actividades 2 y 3 me las haréis llegar por email.
Thank you, have a good day!


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