English Wednesday, April the 1st

Good morning, children!!!
En primer lugar, comenzamos con las correcciones de los deberes del lunes y del martes:
2- We didn’t stay in an apartment.
3- Dad didn’t want to go to the beach every day.
4- We didn’t play tennis every afternoon.
5- We didn’t visit a lot of museums.
6- It didn’t rain a lot.
7- We didn’t arrive in the evening.
8- Clare didn’t pack the suitcase.
  1. He played the guitar.
  2. He visited Paris in July 2012.
  3. He phoned Mary last Wednesday.
  4. He watched a film at the cinema.
  5. He was superstitious.
  6. He travelled by train.
  7. He collected stamps.
  8. He cleaned his car.
  9. He wanted to buy socks, bananas and a sandwich.
  10. He stayed at the Sun Hotel.

2- my grandma.
3- a DVD.
4- computer games.
5- Spanish.
6- bus ticket.
7- red suitcase.

2- He didn’t visit his Friend. He visited his grandma.
3- He didn’t watch football at Simon’s house. He watched a DVD.
4- He didn’t play tennis with Ian. He played computer games.
5- He didn’t try to learn more French words. He tried to learn Spanish words.
6- He didn’t collect his train ticket.He collected his bus ticket.
7- He didn’t pack his black suitcase. He packed his red suitcase.

Como tarea para estos días, me gustaría que estudiarais los verbos irregulares, que son aquellos que para formar el pasado no cumplen las normas que hemos visto estos días. Os adjunto una lista con los más habituales para que os vayáis familiarizando con ellos:

Además, os dejo el enlace a un examen de nivel A2 para que pongáis a prueba lo que habéis aprendido. 
Good bye, children!!!


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